Toyota of Kingsport

Oct 7, 2022
AC Service in Kingsport, TN - Toyota of Kingsport

A car AC not working is the last thing you need on a hot day. Fortunately, in Kingsport, TN your local Toyota dealer can help you. Our technicians can fix any AC issue and ensure your system keeps you cool. These are a sample of possible problems that can happen in an AC.

Jammed AC Pulley

If you turn on the AC and nothing happens, the cause of the problem could be a jammed pulley. Your AC is powered by the alternator belt. This belt connects the crankshaft to a series of pulleys. As the crankshaft turns, it causes the alternator belt to run across the pulleys. This movement makes the pulleys spin and powers the components attached to them.

A pulley can jam if it hasn’t been serviced for a while. If the jammed pulley connects to your AC, it will shut down your AC system until the problem is fixed. You may also get another warning of this problem if you hear screeching sounds from the engine compartment or smell burning rubber. These issues are signs of a jammed pulley causing wear to the alternator belt. Our technicians will repair or replace the pulley to fix this problem.

Leaking Seals and Gaskets

Your AC system contains various seals and gaskets. Each of these components is designed to prevent leaks and to maintain the pressure in the system. Over time, these seals can wear out or shrink, which allows air to bleed out of the system. Your AC is pressurized, and a reduction in pressure can cause numerous problems in the system.

Leaking seals and gaskets can also allow refrigerant gas or liquid to escape. A loss of refrigerant will reduce the pressure in the AC, which places additional strain on the condenser and compressor. Leaking seals have an oil-like residue around them, which is left behind by evaporated refrigerant gas. We can check the seals and gaskets and replace any worn ones.

Broken Compressor Clutch

The compressor is the heart of your AC system. It uses pressure to compress refrigerant gas into a liquid to cool the air. A compressor will switch on as refrigerant gas is fed into the system and then switch off again. If you listen closely to your AC when it’s running you’ll hear the tell-tale click of the compressor clutch activating and deactivating.

The clutch controls the compressor, and mechanical wear can eventually take its toll on this component. If the clutch fails, your compressor won’t switch on. A failed compressor will prevent the AC system from working.

If your AC seems to be failing, we’ll fix it for you. Click here to book a spot at Toyota of Kingsport’s Service Center in Kingsport, TN!

Image via DealerOn