Toyota of Kingsport

Apr 19, 2024

Toyotas are pretty legendary for their reliability and staying power, but even these road warriors need regular TLC to keep ticking along happily for as long as possible. Getting into a regular groove with your Toyota maintenance is key to keeping your car in top-notch shape. Here’s the rundown on the essential upkeep your ride needs at the Toyota dealer.

Toyota Maintenance to Keep Your Car Running Like New

Oil Changes

Oil changes are non-negotiable. Hitting that oil change reliably every 5,000 to 7,500 miles keeps your engine humming smoothly. Oil changes prevent premature wear on engine components, help keep your engine from overheating, and even keep things cleaner under the hood. Your Toyota’s manual is your guide for nailing down the specifics.

Tire Care

Tires are a big deal since they literally keep you rolling. An air pressure check every month and regular rotations when you change your oil makes sure your wear stays even and your gas mileage stays its best.

Brake Checks

Since stopping is an important part of every drive, keeping an eye on your brakes is crucial. Peek at those brake pads every so often (every 10,000 miles or so should do) and plan on swapping them out if they’re worn, usually by 30,000 miles. Fresh brake fluid every couple of years keeps the whole system responsive.

Keep an Eye on Your Battery

The battery’s got a lifespan of about 3 to 5 years, but life (and weather) happens. Check it yearly once you hit the three-year mark to avoid getting stranded. Look for signs like dim lights or slow starts as clues that it might be time for a new one.

Fill Those Fluids

Your Toyota’s got a bunch of fluids coursing through it, from coolant to transmission fluid. Keeping them topped up and fresh is vital. Stick to the schedule for flushes and replacements to ward off overheating and other mechanical woes. Check your manual for the proper timeline for your car.

Filter Changes

Clean air filters mean a happy engine and a pleasant cabin. Swap out the engine air filter every 15,000 to 30,000 miles and the cabin air filter every 20,000 to 25,000 miles to keep dust and debris at bay. It’s a simple switch that keeps performance and air quality up.

Replace Your Spark Plugs

Spark plugs might be tiny, but they pack a punch in starting your Toyota and keeping it running efficiently. If your ride starts getting a little sluggish or the fuel economy dips, worn spark plugs might be the culprits. They may need a refresh anywhere between 30,0000 and 90,000 miles, depending on the make and model of your vehicle.

Team Up With Your Toyota Dealer for Maintenance

Does all that maintenance seem overwhelming? It doesn’t have to be! Head over to your local dealership for assistance scheduling all the maintenance your car needs to keep it running smoothly for miles and miles.

Loving your Toyota means looking after it, so if you stick to the plan it will keep rolling reliably, just like it’s supposed to. Call Toyota of Kingsport in Kingsport, TN, to schedule your next service today.