Toyota of Kingsport

Jan 7, 2016

Old rusted out car sitting in a fieldOwning a car is a necessity for most Americans, but the daily commute can really do a number on the best-kept vehicle. If you’ve been putting off trading in your old car for a new one, you may just be holding off the inevitable. Here are some signs that it’s time to upgrade:

Repairs are Costing More Than the Car is Worth

Maintenance and repair costs are part of the responsibility of owning a vehicle, but when those costs exceed the car’s value, you’ve got a real problem on your hands. Older cars will get to a point where they require costlier repair jobs, so you end up sinking your money into an endless pit. Instead of wasting your money, why not invest some of it into the down payment on a new vehicle?

Your Car is No Longer Safe

Older cars are more susceptible to breakdowns and malfunctions. Even the best cars on the market today will one day pose issues as they age – it’s just the nature of automobiles. If your old car is no longer reliable or it poses a safety hazard to you or your family, it’s time to buy a new one. You’ll know if its safety is compromised when it inexplicably slows down on the highway, has trouble starting, or the engine has a tendency to shut off when you come to a stop.

It No Longer Suits Your Lifestyle

Cars that once suited us a decade ago may not fit our current lifestyle. Families grow, needs change, gas prices go up, and that once-favorite vehicle now seems more of a burden. Ask yourself what type of vehicle would best suit your daily commute, lifestyle, and family size. If your current car doesn’t cut it, it’s time to trade it in.

You’re Paying Too Much for Gas

This one is a common complaint of drivers who own older vehicles. Modern cars boast fuel-efficient designs that optimize the amount of gas you put into them, so you get more for your money. If you’ve got a gas guzzler on your hands and want to take advantage of new engine advancements, now’s the time.

Your Car No Longer Qualifies for Safety-Related Insurance Discounts

Older vehicles do come with the perks of requiring less insurance. On the other hand, outdated cars don’t qualify for safety-related discounts. Thanks to their state-of-the-art safety features, new cars do, so you have to ask yourself which trade-off you’d prefer to make. Most people would rather be in a safer vehicle.

You’re Craving a Change

Sometimes the best reason to buy a new car is simply that you’re ready for something different. There’s no need to hang on to an outdated vehicle if you’d rather be in something more updated with the latest design aesthetics and safety features. A new car can signify a new start, so why put it off when you can make the switch today?

It can be difficult to part with a beloved old car, but when you find one that suits your current lifestyle, you’ll wonder why it took you so long to make the switch.

Image via Pixabay